Pre-exam Courses

Our professional exam preparation training course courses covering professional management such as CQE and CSSBB, Certificate of Qualification (C of Q) and Custom Broker license etc. These preparation courses not only help prepare you to pass the professional exams and earn your Professional License or certificate in Canada, but also expand and upgrade your skills and knowledge fit to work, make you career life better!
1) Certified Quality Engineer (CQE)
Certified Quality Engineer, often abbreviated CQE, is a certification given by the American Society for Quality. These engineers are professionally educated in quality engineering and quality control. Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) is a basic knowledge and skills for a quality engineer. They possess the knowledge needed to set up quality control circles, assess potential quality risks, and evaluate human factors and natural process variation. The characteristics are complete knowledge and fast renewal rate. After you obtain your Certified Quality Engineer, it is very helpful to find a job to be a quality engineer, quality technician, and inspector.
2) Six Sigma Black Belt Certificate Course (CSSBB)
Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB) is similar to a senior quality engineer certified by ASQ. Just as the mass production system of the 20th century, six sigma black belt is viewed as the production system of the 21th century. It’s successful knowledge and management has been extended to the service sector. The main ides is to make production without waste. Finally company benefit can be maximized.
American Society of Quality (ASQ) is an international quality organization in all kinds of manufacturing (excluding aircraft, nuclear, and food production), ASQ’s successful knowledge and management has been extended to the service area. To certify by ASQ is a bridge to find a professional job in the quality area. In a broad sense, this successful management is very helpful for new immigrants to open their business in North America.
Instructor: Robert LU, CQE, CSSBB senior member of ASQ, more than ten years CQE and CSSBB instructor experience in Canada.
3) Master electrician licensing per-exam
Electrician’s exam in order to obtain master Electrician License. The 30hr part time course prepares you for Master Electrician exam by learning about the use of the Ontario electrical safety code book and the application of regulations and tables.
Essential mathematics, formulas, electrical theories and important code topics will all be covered. Lots of real problems from past exams will be reviewed in class and plenty of sample questions for you to bring home to practice with.
4) Custom Broker
This course is specifically designed to prepare a candidate for taking the Custom Broker Professional Exam. The 40hr part-time program provides an intense review of all the important regulations and concepts in order to pass the exam successfully. The topics includes, classification, calculation, post entry and PF&F (Fines, Penalties, and forfeiture), supplemental materials, etc. In-class facilitation conducted by an experienced customs and trade expert who explains key concepts and principles, discusses real-life situations, and answer student questions.
We have maintained a high passing rate through the years, and we also guarantee your success by allowing you to repeat the course for free until you pass the exam.
5) Introduction of Ontario Building Code (OBC)
—–Building Code Identification Number (BCIN
I) Ontario Building Code (OBC) 2012- Large Buildings
Part 3 is the essential of OBC. The main goal of this course is to familiarize the students with the requirements and specifications of the Ontario Building Code in regards of fire protection, occupant safety and accessibility. The knowledge of OBC part 3 is essential for Architect, engineers, designers, project management personnel, and builders. Some other professions like real estate agent or house inspector may also find this course useful.
A successful student will be able to:
- Use the code efficiently
- Access, interpret and apply correct regulations to a specific aspect of a building project
- Interpret the meaning behind the jargon and definitions of the code
- Have salient concepts of building safety, health and accessibility found throughout the Code
II) Ontario Building Code (OBC) 2012- Small Buildings
This course will combine the design process and building code requirements together. The main goal of this course is to help the students to understand the requirements and specifications of the Ontario Building Code in regards of small buildings. The knowledge of OBC small building is essential for Architect, engineers, designers, project management personnel, and house builders. Some other professions like real estate agent or house inspector may also find this course useful.
A successful student will be able to:
- Design a simple house
- Use the code correctly
- Access, interpret and apply correct regulations to a specific aspect of a building project
- Have salient concepts of building safety, health and accessibility found throughout the Code
Instructor: Mr. Dan Xu, City of Oshawa (Ontario Building Code Official, Professional Engineer). Responsible for the building permit review and inspection. Before working in the City of Oshawa, Mr. Xu has served more than seven years in Toronto consulting engineer firms with extensive consulting experience. He has the thorough understanding of the Building Code.
Call us today for more Professional Preparation Training courses!